Ed News

Ed News

Success story
of our study program for students of low income

Our study and skill development program
for the students of low income family is mostly welcome by girl
students in South Asia.  It is really a good work done by
teachers of Join Study. I think in South Asian nation like
Bangladesh and Nepal where poverty is very high this study program
is really very helpful for students and mainly for their girl
students. Due to social infrastructure in Bangladesh the parents
think that their girls take education but they are very anxious for
the security of their girls, so they insist their girl students to
join the study via online. This is the big reason why this Online
Study Program is mostly welcome by the girl students in South Asia.
The most nation of South Asia have same problem excluding India. In
India the problem is different. In India here is a big middle class
society who has enough money to

take education in any good Institution
or University. They are able to afford any educational cost for
their students. Here is the problem of shortage of time, students
have to travel more and more in a big traffic  to take
educational classes, so to avoid the travelling and use more and
more time in study the Indian students are joining the Online
Tuition Classes of Join Study. But security of girl students and
women professionals are also a matter in India. We hope that the
hard work of our teachers, parents and students will make very
successful study & skill development program provided by Join
Study for students of low income family
